
Minnovation Technologies is dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality product support. In order to ensure that your experience with our support system is consistent and effective, we provide the following support policy. Minnovation Technologies reserves the right to alter this support policy at any time.

Support Subscriptions

Minnovation offers two levels of support that are defined as “Xcare” and “Xcare Pro”.

Xcare is the default level of care offered to customers. It consists of a number of pre-subscribed hours** that are consumed on a planned basis in line with the agreed service schedule with the end customer.

Xcare Pro is a pro-active level of care offered to customers. It consists of a defined number of pre-subscribed hours** that are consumed on a planned basis in line with the agreed service schedule with the end customer. Xcare Pro also includes a defined number of reactive hours that are consumed on an as needs basis throughout the year.

Additional Features of Xcare Pro Subscription:

  • Extended Warranty for Life of Support (Up to a maximum of 5 Years)
  • Unlimited phone support at our highest priority level (During normal business hours)
  • Network and Device Monitoring for Pro-Active notification and resolutions.

** Subscribed hours can be used for on-site servicing, data science and analytics services, training and consulting. Subscribed hours are purchased at a discounted rate annually in advance.

Device Care Calculator:

Consumption of Support Subscriptions

Xcare hours are consumed on a planned basis. Minnovation will provide a recommended service timeline based on the quantity and configuration of customer systems and get agreement on the cycle. The services will be completed and hours consumed over the agreed period.

Xcare Pro hours are generally split 60% planned and 40% reactive throughout the agreed period. The planned hours will be consumed in the same way as Xcare. Reactive hours will be reserved to complete unplanned works throughout the agreed period as issues are identified during network and device monitoring. These hours will be consumed at the discretion of Minnovation in consultation with the customer.

Support Subscription Expiry

Support Subscriptions are scheduled in line with Fiscal years and expire on June 30 of each year. When Subscriptions are established mid year, they are charged at a monthly pro-rata until June 30. At June 30 all unused hours will expire.

If subscribed hours are consumed at a faster rate than originally agreed, customers may purchase an additional subscription of hours that will expire on June 30.

Support Outside of Paid Plans

Minnovation also acknowledges the need to provide support for its products and solutions outside of support plans.

This support will be at the discretion of Minnovation. We request that customers log a support ticket by sending an email to [email protected]

Ticket Classifications

Problem: This classification covers reported issues that represent an actual problem with the functionality of the software. Examples being:

  • Can not access the system
  • Functionality that was working stops, with no clear changes that should have affected it
  • An upgrade changes behavior or functionality
  • The software cannot be used in a documented manner

Consultative: Tickets that fall under this classification can be more commonly understood as “how-to” kinds of questions.

  • Not knowing how to accomplish a goal
  • Unsure of the best way to approach a problem
  • Data is not exactly what is expected
  • The problem statement focuses on technologies not part of AlphaX, such as SQL, networking, etc.

This classification system is one of the things used to determine the prioritisation of submitted support tickets.

Ticket Severities

Along with the classification structure, we also use a ticket severity metric to help determine how Problem tickets are prioritised within the support queue. There are four levels of ticket severity into which all incoming support tickets are categorszed.

  • Urgent – This is reserved for issues such as major server outage, or cyber attack
  • High – Complete Loss of Cloud Services
  • Medium – Partial Loss of Cloud Services or Complete Loss of Gateway
  • Low – Partial loss of Gateway or Complete Loss of Sensor or All Consultative tickets and

The assignment of severity to tickets occurs during the first report to the Minnovation Support team via email at 9am AEST each week day.

How Prioritisation Occurs

Tickets are prioritised within the support system by taking into account Support Plan Type, Ticket Severity, Last Response Time (amount of time since last customer inquiry), and Ticket Classification. Ticket Classification is first used to deprioritise tickets of a consultative nature for non Pro/ELA/Distributor customers into a separate queue that is handled based on available department resources. The remaining tickets are then sorted into a queue to be actively handled by the Minnovation Technologies support staff.

In general, tickets submitted by accounts having a “higher” support plan type will be serviced first; however, plan type is not the only factor used to determine response priority; severity and wait times are also taken into account in the ordering of the ticket queue.