Top 8 Smart City Sunshine Coast Projects

3.3 min read
Published On: July 4th, 2024By Categories: Smart Cities

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The Sunshine Coast is rapidly transforming into a hub of innovation and sustainability by embracing smart city initiatives. By leveraging advanced technology and sustainable practices, the region is enhancing residents’ quality of life.

This article highlights the top 8 smart city projects on the Sunshine Coast, showcasing their revolutionary impact on the area. From infrastructure improvements to citizen engagement, these initiatives are creating a more efficient, sustainable, and livable urban environment.

Smart City Sunshine Coast Projects

The Sunshine Coast’s journey toward becoming a smart city involves a diverse range of projects that address various aspects of urban living.

Here are the top 8 smart city projects making a significant impact:

1. Multi-function Poles

Street poles have evolved from a jumble of wires and lights to multi-function poles. These can be fitted with WiFi, environmental sensors, people and vehicle counters, digital signage, LED lights, and optic fiber cable. This innovation reduces the need for other poles and signs.


  • Enhanced connectivity with public WiFi.
  • Improved environmental monitoring.
  • Efficient public space management.
  • Reduced clutter with integrated functions.
2. Public Waste Bin Sensors

Sensors measure waste levels and send alerts if a bin is full or empty, helping the council deliver more cost-effective waste management services.


  • Optimized waste collection schedules.
  • Reduced litter and cleaner public spaces.
  • Cost savings in waste management operations.
3. Pedestrian and Cyclist Counters

These counters monitor how many people use public areas, such as parks and walking trails, allowing the council to better maintain and clean facilities.


  • Data-driven maintenance schedules.
  • Enhanced public space cleanliness.
  • Improved resource allocation for facilities.
4. Networked Street Lighting

Networked street lighting systems turn on/off automatically during twilight periods, reducing energy consumption, electricity costs, and CO2 emissions.


  • Significant energy savings.
  • Lower carbon footprint.
  • Reduced operational costs for lighting.
5. Digital Touch Screen Kiosks

These kiosks provide interactive content to the public about events, wayfinding, local, and community emergency information.


  • Easy access to real-time information.
  • Enhanced visitor experience.
  • Improved emergency communication.
6. Internet of Things (IoT) Gateway Network

The IoT gateway is a wireless communications network that enables sensors and devices to communicate at very low power over distances. These sensors send small amounts of data over a wide area and collect valuable information to help the council make better data-driven decisions and deliver improved services to the community.


  • Enhanced data collection for informed decisions.
  • Improved service delivery across the community.
  • Cost-effective deployment of IoT sensors.
7. International Broadband Submarine Cable

The Sunshine Coast Council is the first local government in Australia to invest in an international submarine cable, which connects to the new Maroochydore City Centre. It also provides Queensland’s first direct international data and telecommunications connection to global systems.


  • Improved global connectivity.
  • Enhanced data speed and reliability.
  • Attraction of international business investments.
8. Automated Waste Collection System

Australia’s first underground automated waste collection system (AWCS) for a CBD is live in the new Maroochydore City Centre. Waste and recyclables from buildings and street bins move by vacuum pressure at up to 70km/h through a 6.5km network of underground pipes to a collection station. The collected material is then transferred to disposal or recycling facilities.


  • Efficient and hygienic waste collection.
  • Reduced traffic congestion from waste trucks.
  • Enhanced recycling rates and waste management.

How Minnovation Can Help?

The AlphaX ecosystem offers comprehensive solutions to help cities like the Sunshine Coast overcome the challenges discussed in this article. From advanced technological integration to sustainable initiatives and citizen engagement platforms, our ecosystem is designed to support cities in their journey toward becoming smart cities.

To learn more about how AlphaX can assist your city, visit our contact page.


By implementing these smart city projects, the Sunshine Coast is setting a new standard for urban living, creating a more connected, sustainable, and resilient community. These initiatives demonstrate the transformative potential of smart technology in enhancing sustainability, efficiency, and quality of life.

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