In this article

Reset your AlphaX password


If you are faced with an error message as described above it is likely to be one of two causes. Either your account in AlphaX is not active (or not created) or your password is incorrect. This article describes how to reset your password.

Before you continue

Start by confirming that you have an active account in AlphaX. this can be confirmed by your system administrator, or by another user with access to the “people” module. they can look up your account and confirm it is active.

If you have confirmed your account is active and you still can not access it, please follow the steps below to reset your password.

Reset your password
  1. Go to the login page of AlphaX Cloud and fill in your login ID.
  2. At the bottom there is an option called “Forget your password?” to reset the password. Click on it.
  3. You will get another page. It will ask you to fill in your email address in the Email field and then Click on the button “Continue”.
  4. After clicking on the continue button, a message will pop up just above the email field (Please check your email for a password reset link).
  5. So now you need to check your email where you will get the link for resetting your password.
  6. Click on the link that has been sent to your email inbox.
  7. You will get a new page where you need to enter the new password. After that click on the button “Continue”.

TIP: There are no limitations on the password you enter however we suggest that you follow your organisations policy on setting passwords. this will change organisation to organisation.

‼️ Always Remember – Keep your password safe