Digital Twin is a technology used to create a replica of any living or non-living asset which can be controlled, monitored and managed digitally. The industry has been talking about this concept since 2002 but it was a complex and expensive method in its initial stage. With the advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and data analytics in the present decade shaped it into a practical and profitable technology. Gartner included Digital Twin in the list of Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for the last 3 years straight (20172018 & 2019) because of its association with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market and robust modelling.

Is it my twin brother in digits?

Yes, you can have a digital twin of your brother as well. But digital twin is widely used by data scientists and IT professionals to build a virtual replica of a physical device so that they can create and test the simulation for complex processes before putting a huge amount of effort and money in real physical assets. It is also helping in improving the standard of optimisation for technologies like analytics, AI and IoT.

Where and how can I use it?

Integrating software analytics with spatial network graph, IoT, machine learning and artificial intelligence to create a digital simulation model that replicates a physical entity and updates accordingly. Digital twin constantly assimilates and updates the virtual model from numerous physical and other digital sources to showcase the real-time status of its physical twin. It is an influential technology for the Industrial IoT where physical entities collaborate with other assets and people virtually. Most of the industrial sectors use it to improve the maintenance and operation of manufacturing processes, physical entities, and systems. Every major industry is now investing in Digital Twin to simulate their operations and test them in real-life conditions.

Is it that simple?

Yes, it is now easy to understand what digital twin is and how it can help you achieve high reliability, operability, and efficiency for your physical processes/assets including other major advantages. If you still think its complex for you, MInnovation made it easier for you to test it live using our AlphaX cloud platform and believe how useful it is for your industry. You can use AlphaX to create a digital twin for condition monitoring system, building monitoring system, utility management system, smart city management system and automation.

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