Vibration on Offshore Work Platform

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Published On: January 2nd, 2021By Categories:

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Seafox 5 is a four-legged, self-elevating, self-propelled DP2 jack-up unit for accommodation, construction, transportation, installation, maintenance, and well services. The vessel was manufactured by Keppel Fels to American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) classification requirements. Seafox 5 is specifically designed to withstand harsh offshore conditions and is capable of operating throughout the year in water depths of up to 65 meters.

The unit offers permanent accommodation for 150 Persons on Board (POB) and has an accepted UK Safety Case for accommodation, maintenance, and well-service activities in the Dutch and UK territories.

To meet the ABS classification Seafox 5 needed to pass a number of tests. Several of these tests included meeting requirements for human comfort and vibration in the living quarters of the vessel.

Minnovation’s team installed 24 VIBX1600 vibration sensors linked to 6 MHM4 Gateways for pre-processing. The sensors were strategically positioned in key locations throughout the living quarters  The units were time syncronised and used to aggregate and transmit the vibration data to the AlphaX Cloud platform. The data was later analysed for compliance with the ABS guidelines for human comfort and vibration, OTO-2001-068.

These measurements were performed in transit offshore in Singapore and repeated while in transit in the North Sea.

The project included multiple stakeholders including Workfox UK, Keppel Fels and Keppel Offshore and Marine Technologies across 2 countries.

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