From Surveillance to Insight: The Impact of Video Analytics at Bunjil Place

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Published On: April 4th, 2022By Categories:

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Minnovation Technologies, in collaboration with the City of Casey, has revolutionised facility management at Bunjil Place, a significant entertainment precinct in the City of Casey, Australia. Launched in 2017, Bunjil Place encompasses a diverse range of facilities, including an outdoor community plaza, theatre, studio, function centre, library, gallery, and customer service centre​​. The AI-powered system by Minnovation enhances space utilization and visitor experience by providing detailed insights into visitor behavior using advanced technologies like anonymised video analytics and 3DS overhead sensors.
Technological Implementation:

1. X-Vision™ Object Detection Cameras: Installed in high-priority areas like the cafe and customer service area, these AI-based cameras accurately track and count visitors, even in crowded spaces. They boast a high accuracy rate (98%+) and can distinguish between different entities, including people, vehicles, and objects.

2. 3D Vision Sensors: Used in medium and low-priority areas, these AI-based overhead video analytics sensors offer over 95% accuracy. They not only count visitors but also differentiate between adults and children, contributing to comprehensive visitor behavior data.

3. AlphaX Cloud Data Platform: This platform consolidates data from various sensors, tailored to the City of Casey’s requirements, allowing for efficient management and analysis.

Partnership and Implementation

Minnovation collaborated closely with the City of Casey to design, integrate, and maintain this system. The partnership, even amidst COVID-19 challenges, was marked by transparency and effective communication, as noted by Sumeet Nagpal, Smart City Project Manager at City of Casey.

Testimonial from Sumeet Nagpal

“There are a lot of social benefits of this, we can improve the customer experience, the community experience in Bunjil Place,” says Nagpal. Nagpal highlighted the ease of engaging with the delivered solution and the collaborative success of the project. He emphasised the social benefits, improved customer experience, and the system’s role in facilitating data-driven decision making, resource management, and asset optimisation.” Collaboration is the key to the success of this project. It’s good to work with Minnovation, they are very transparent with very clear communication. If we have queries, we just pick up the phone – it’s more efficient and saves time. I’m the sort of person who wants to resolve things there and then.” says Nagpal


The AI-powered insights provided by Minnovation’s technology at Bunjil Place have revolutionised facility management and visitor experience. The ability to accurately track and analyse visitor data has enabled the City of Casey to anticipate needs, optimize resources, and enhance overall community experience.

Editor’s Note

The system’s capacity was enhanced in June 2022 to accommodate a significant event, reflecting the system’s flexibility and Minnovation’s commitment to continual improvement and adaptability to changing requirements.

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