Breaking Down Silos: The Key to Unleashing Data from the Edge

3.4 min read
Published On: February 16th, 2024By Categories: Internet of Things (IoT)

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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to seamlessly connect and aggregate data from field devices and sensors is becoming increasingly crucial. This capability is central to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), where every device is interconnected, offering rich, real-time insights into operations, enhancing efficiency, and driving innovation. However, the journey towards this interconnected future is fraught with challenges, notably the issue of information silos at the edge and the lack of formal standards and guidelines for many IoT devices and sensors. This article explores the impact of these challenges and the importance of overcoming them to fully leverage the power of edge computing and IoT.

The Challenge of Silos and Lack of Standards

Silos of information occur when data is collected and stored in separate systems or departments within an organization, making it difficult to access or integrate with other data sets. At the edge, where data is generated by a myriad of devices and sensors, these silos present a significant barrier to achieving a holistic view of operations and making informed decisions.

One of the primary challenges in removing these silos is the absence of formal standards and guidelines for IoT devices and sensors. This lack of standardization means that devices from different manufacturers often use incompatible protocols, data formats, or communication methods, making it challenging to aggregate and analyze data across the system.

Proprietary and Legacy Protocols: A Double-Edged Sword

Proprietary and legacy protocols in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Building Management Systems (BMS) exemplify the challenges posed by the current state of IoT integration. These systems, which are critical to the operation of industrial and commercial facilities, often use unique protocols that are not readily compatible with other systems or modern IoT technologies. This incompatibility not only perpetuates silos but also complicates efforts to modernize and integrate new technologies into existing infrastructures.

The reliance on proprietary protocols can limit flexibility and innovation, as organizations are often locked into a single vendor’s ecosystem, making it difficult to incorporate best-of-breed solutions from different sources. Similarly, legacy protocols, which were not designed with today’s connectivity and security requirements in mind, pose significant challenges in ensuring secure and efficient communication between devices.

Overcoming the Challenges

Addressing the challenge of silos and the lack of standardization requires a multi-faceted approach. Key strategies include:

  • Adopting Open Standards and Protocols: Encouraging the development and adoption of open, interoperable standards and protocols can significantly reduce the barriers to integration. Efforts by organizations such as the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) and the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) aim to create a more unified IoT ecosystem.
  • Leveraging IoT Platforms: IoT platforms that offer device management, data integration, and analytics capabilities can abstract away the complexity of dealing with diverse protocols and data formats, providing a unified view of data across the organization.
  • Investing in Middleware Solutions: Middleware solutions can act as a bridge between different protocols and systems, enabling communication and data flow between proprietary, legacy, and modern IoT devices.
  • Fostering Collaboration: Collaboration between vendors, standards organizations, and regulatory bodies is essential to drive the adoption of universal standards and guidelines that facilitate interoperability.


The journey towards a fully interconnected and integrated IoT ecosystem is complex and filled with challenges. The silos of information at the edge, compounded by the lack of formal standards and the prevalence of proprietary and legacy protocols, represent significant hurdles to unlocking the full potential of IoT and edge computing. However, by adopting open standards, leveraging modern IoT platforms, and fostering collaboration across the industry, organizations can overcome these challenges. The path forward requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders to create a more open, interoperable, and efficient IoT landscape.

As the industry continues to evolve, it is clear that breaking down silos and promoting standardization are not just technical necessities but strategic imperatives for organizations aiming to thrive in the digital age. By addressing these challenges head-on, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage.


  1. Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF):
  2. Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC):

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